Let's have a word- a spoken words event

Let's have a word is a community based project involving a sharing circle, individual writing time and a solo spoken word performance. I came up with the idea after experiencing and researching the difficulties others face when expressing their feelings. Beginning with the sharing circle, myself and a college involved in the project, shall subtly lead the circle to ensure no inappropriate conduct. Warming up our voices and emotions with ice breakers, the circle is for people to become comfortable with themselves when speaking to one another. I believe this is vital especially after the friction in communication between peers aggravated by the Pandemic. Topics of the sharing circle will be a reflection of the times, under lining the value of mental health care. Next the group shall separate and spend 15 minutes creating a written piece based on either what the group discussed or whatever comes to them. Lastly, if the individual is comfortable, we shall perform our pieces for each other. My understanding after asking multiple people about this concept is that sharing their piece of written work would be the most difficult thing for them to do. It is very common for people to feel shame when sharing feelings. My intention is to offer a secure environment for people to blossom and grow in confidence when addressing emotions, privately or publicly. My hopes is that Let's have a word will assist in creating more confident and caring members of society. Although language is a small fraction of communication it is essential we nature it and listen to one another. When we share or release stagnate energy in the body, even through speech- we create space for more personal growth. Plus we soon realise we're not alone in our struggles. The recent pandemic has caused a massive hole in human connection but I believe this can be healed with words and compassion.
The event will run for 95 minutes fortnightly on Sunday evenings in THE BAKERY, A community space in Kensington L6 1NF