Silver Service

We want to deliver a project that supports the well being of elderly people within our community. The project will offer a safe hub our elderly community can access that will offer companionship and a way to make friends and see neighbors, sign posting to other services, hot food and snacks, pamper sessions, bingo and games, seated yoga sessions to improve mobility and help reduce risk of falls, show films and play music from their era, have access to a small reading library, give access to other local community business that offer mobile services such as, hairdressing and barber, cleaning and gardening services and a podiatrist service.
We want to create a space that offers fun laughter and a chance to relax and enjoy some quality time and remove barriers to isolation.
We will give support and help to ensure our elderly community can stay in contact with the outside world should they have to isolate and make sure they have correct support in place to ensure they are safe and have access to food and medication.
We will use data collected running this pilot to try and secure more funding to enable this project to continue in the future.