Dignity. (period)

As a member of the CCYS Youth Advisory Board, and the youth representative on the Big Bend Homeless Coalition Board, I've become more aware of the issues of dignity surrounding homelessness.
Especially for women, and trans men, one of the most significant issues of dignity are those surrounding their menstrual cycle and access to period care products.
My proposal is a sustainable coalition of different community groups already in existence - groups serving the homeless population, Bags of Hope and other sewing service groups, and the women groups in Tallahassee, like the Junior League, which I'm a youth member of - to provide for this fundamental need in a discreet and dignified way.
I would work with each organization - through my board seat on the BBHC - to find out how we can best integrate our program with what they may already have available. How women can pick up their monthly supplies in a dignified way, and not disrupt programming already occurring at each facility.
Part of my goal is to provide health education and resource cards in the packs. Eventually, I would like to add Pre-Natal kits to what we can offer organizations. To create both of these resources I would work with area health care providers to create simple, straight forward resource cards, that list health care options and health care concerns they should seek medical attention concerning.
But most of all I will continue to reach out to interview women and trans men facing homelessness and find out how to best meet their needs. while allowing them the dignity of independence.
Eventually, when the project is fully functioning I would like to bring the initiative to the Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls for long term support opportunities.