GYM for Adelaide's Homeless

In 2018 we started providing free health and wellbeing programs to those living rough on the streets of Adelaide as we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to improve both their physical and emotional wellbeing.
We identified numerous barriers like associated costs, mental / emotional state, living arrangements and limited social networks which meant that people experiencing homelessness were either disengaged or not feeling as though they could engage in improved wellbeing programs.
Therefore we are creating a 'GYM for Adelaide's Homeless' that will increase our capacity to connect members of the community, provide program sustainability and become a safe haven that is inspiring, motivating and resourceful for those experiencing or are at risk of homelessness.
First and foremost, we want to create a space that provide people with the opportunities to improve their own health and fitness without the barriers of cost and secondly, a program that builds on the emotional wellbeing of the community. The 'GYM for the Homeless' will enable us to run supervised fitness sessions in a safe space and it will provide opportunities for people from all walks of life to build relationships with likeminded people, engage and be educated on the importance of healthy living and most of all build respect for themselves, their peers and their future.
Baptist Care SA have provided us a space to run our programs as a pop up gym but we want to make this project more sustainable. This grant will allow us to invest in equipment to start fitting out the space so that Adelaide's homeless have access to equal services and opportunities as those who are in a passion to invest in them selves.
Ultimately we hope that by creating this space and strengthening its program we are able to provide opportunities for people within Australia to live happier, healthier lives.