Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։
Pancakes: The Stop Motion Animation
ըստ Zach Horn November 2022
Squid Facts Electrical Box
ըստ Sarah J McAnulty July 2022
ըստ Katrina Goldsaito June 2022
The Tune is in the Tree
ըստ Nancy Krakaur March 2022
Qanuk Nanuk
ըստ Kathleen Doyle February 2022
Disappearing Acts
ըստ Sarah E. Jenkins October 2021
ըստ Annika Earley September 2021
Making the invisible become visible!
ըստ Sandra Pearl August 2021
6th Grade Astronauts
ըստ Mona Sellers July 2021
Salt Wild
ըստ Jake Kuhn and Rebecca Carrol May 2021The Horror Advocate
ըստ Ava Fields April 2021
Watertown Historical Moving Plays: Spring 2021
ըստ New Repertory Theatre, Inc. (New Rep) March 2021
Winter City Kits
ըստ Eric Sargent February 2021
Write Your COVID Story
ըստ Mojie Crigler November 2020
Museum of Beadwork Gallery Renovation
ըստ Kristina Skillin October 2020
Positive Boxes
ըստ Shacole Pearman August 2020
Gentle Love Diaper Pantry
ըստ Kyle Zingler July 2020
"BUILD SOMETHING!: The Tiny House"
ըստ Four N Nichols June 2020
Postal Art For All
ըստ Missy Dunaway May 2020John Stritch Art
ըստ Andrew Bell March 2020
Chinatown Story Cart
ըստ Lily Xie February 2020
Roxbury Unity Parade
ըստ Toy Burton January 2020
Swaraksha Self-defense for Girls in Northern India
ըստ Lalita Singh December 2019Faxina Podcast: Stories Swept Under the Rug
ըստ Fabia Oliveira November 2019
COVEN Trivia for Fundraising & Community-Building
ըստ Michelle Rosenberg October 2019
Drawing the Ring of Steel: A Mnemonic Device
ըստ Kate Catterall July 2019
Mattapan Open Streets/Open Studios
ըստ Allentza Michel June 2019Community T-shirt printing
ըստ hope rovelto May 2019
Pipetting Zoo
ըստ Sarah Vitak March 2019
Bringing Nature to Medford Square
ըստ Sophy Tuttle February 2019
7000 Languages
ըստ Alexa Little January 2019
Boston Women's Memorial Statue Fashion Show
ըստ Melissa Saunders November 2018Tutus For Batman
ըստ Tanya Nixon-Silberg August 2018
Screaming Chicken Piano
ըստ The Maker Monster August 2018
Blockchain STAR Names To Find SHARK Aliens
ըստ Aleeza, Tony, Jonathan and Gustavo June 2018
Burn Your Money – The Right Way
ըստ Daniel Lev Shkolnik May 2018
Tell Your Story; GIANT PUPPETS
ըստ Leslie MacWeeney Dobbs April 2018South Boston Youth Filmmaking & Fitness
ըստ Jared Katsiane March 2018
UMass Boston at South Bay Jail
ըստ Jill McDonough January 2018
Letters to a Pre-Scientist
ըստ Lucy Madden December 2017
Boston League of Wicked Wrestlers
ըստ Shay Curran December 2017
Creative Boat Art for 75 Fifth Grade Students
ըստ Sarah Besse November 2017
Youth Spoken Word Poetry Leaders Program
ըստ Alex Charalambides November 2017
Migrant Sounds, Cultural Fusions
ըստ Ximena Violante July 2017
ըստ Jarred Boyer June 2017
Grind House Recordings
ըստ Edwin Cabrera June 2017
The Hip Hop Transformation
ըստ Darrin Korte May 2017
Boston #popscope: urban public astronomy
ըստ Michael O’Shea, Denia Taylor, Lucas Harty, Natalya Subbotina, and Sapana Thomas April 2017
The Davis Square Symphony
ըստ Roger Clark Miller March 2017
Ten Footer
ըստ Sarah Madeleine Tierney GUERIN February 2017
Girl's One Stop Shop
ըստ Jameshia Attaway January 2017
Invisible Fractures
ըստ Rachel Tine December 2016
Outdoor Classroom Initiative Game Area
ըստ Tom Ledue December 2016
Gnomon: animated shade
ըստ Matt Brand & the Gnomon crew September 2016
Guhumura: Nosy Interviews from Rwanda
ըստ Elizabeth Staudt July 2016
The Body of The People
ըստ Jeffrey Baykal-Rollins July 2016
ըստ Kayla Oakley July 2016
refugium II
ըստ tanja laeri June 2016
ըստ Chiara Eisner and Julia Shivers June 2016
Outliers Robotics at New England FIRST Championshi
ըստ Erin Whitney April 2016
The Type Bar
ըստ Arthur J Grau March 2016
Urban Folds
ըստ Jillian Wiedenmayer March 2016
Crazy Giant EYEBALL bike lights
ըստ Matt “Carphree” Carty January 2016
ըստ WEATHER MAN December 2015
Inner-City Autism Family Photo Event
ըստ Shari King October 2015
Tilt-Down Fence
ըստ Connie Wang August 2015
Feminist Fiber Art Exhibit
ըստ Iris Nectar July 2015
Arduino Lending Library at Parts and Crafts
ըստ Dina Gjertsen May 2015
Lowell Girls - a local & gentle garment collection
ըստ Elle March 2015
Holographic praxinoscope
ըստ Sunny Jolly December 2014
Mannequin to Train Rural Ugandan Nurses
ըստ Katie D’Angelo November 2014
Colorful Swarm of Robots
ըստ Nancy Ouyang November 2014Telescope lending project
ըստ Joe Soydan November 2014
Keytar Bear Fundraiser
ըստ Abigail Taylor April 2014
Untitled Sign Installations
ըստ Pat Falco April 2014
Project M@CH: Makerspace at Children's Hospital
ըստ Gokul Krishnan March 2014Increment
ըստ Maeve Jopson + Cynthia Poon February 2014
Worker Center Tool Library
ըստ Raúl Alcaraz Ochoa January 2014
You Are Enough
ըստ Tamara Levitt January 2014
Tree of Knowledge
ըստ Primavera December 2013
Music, Music, Music: Elders Takin' it On the Road
ըստ Mary McCarthy November 2013
Secured and Fortified
ըստ Candice Smith Corby November 2013
Trenton Hustle
ըստ James Williams October 2013
MAKE it: East Boston’s Bicycle Rack
ըստ Mariko Davidson and Michael Evans August 2013
Belly Traveling Feast Show
ըստ Ben Sommer August 2013
chasing the shadows
ըստ david andrus June 2013The Mµseum (or Micro Museum)
ըստ Judith Klausner June 2013
Project BlueGene
ըստ Avery Louie April 2013Video Bleep
ըստ Nick Colangelo April 2013
Dungeons & Discourse
ըստ Gerol Petruzella March 2013
RuPaul Cross Stitch Animation Workshop
ըստ Aubrey Longley-Cook March 2013
Good Bank
ըստ Corinne Espinoza February 2013
Meat-filled Zebra Piñatas
ըստ Keith Hopper January 2013
Middle School DNA Sequencing
ըստ William Potash January 2013
Open Source Lasercut Quilting
ըստ Jimmie Rodgers January 2013
Festival of Street Art
ըստ Jason Turgeon December 2012
Hydroponics for Elephants
ըստ Zenith Alternative Education Program October 2012
Union Square Public Benches
ըստ joshua kampa September 2012
The H.E.L.P. Foundation
ըստ Jesse Stern August 2012
Rescuing Cold-Stunned Ocean Sunfish off Cape Cod
ըստ New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance August 2012
Social Colander: Dinner Party Meet Cooking Contest
ըստ Tiffany Chu and Mark Watabe June 2012
ըստ Joshua Frank June 2012
Nomadic Picó Picante
ըստ Sara Skolnick and Ernesto Morales (Pajaritos) May 2012
HASER: Laser Space Heater
ըստ Mahesh Viswanathan May 2012
'Knowing the Trees of Cambridge' Tour Guide
ըստ Aline Newton and Florrie Wescoat April 2012Mobile Farm Stand for Boston
ըստ Hansy Better April 2012
Lorem Ipsum Store Front
ըստ Colin Driesch March 2012
Holly Hill Farm Kitchen-mobile Classroom
ըստ Janice McPhillips February 2012LIFT Bike Project
ըստ Ben Sommer February 2012
Project Afghanistan - Magicians Without Borders
ըստ Zach Warren January 2012
Operation Dinoblasters
ըստ Colin Hunt November 2011
Lightening Fast Snow Slide
ըստ Sadie Urban November 2011
ըստ Yesica Guerra October 2011
Animatronic Monster Suit
ըստ Matthew Silvia October 2011
Tobin School Mural
ըստ Caleb Neelon September 2011
Urban Deterioration Obliteration (U-DO)
ըստ Paul M. Howe August 2011
On the Go - National Outhouse Museum
ըստ Jay Critchley July 2011
The ME2!!!X: Deconstructing the Honda U3-X
ըստ Charles Guan May 2011
ըստ Jason Turgeon April 2011Movable Chair
ըստ Sara Hendren March 2011
ըստ Maria Molteni February 2011
Banditos Misteriosos: Giant Puzzle
ըստ Cloudy January 2011
Parts and Crafts -- Community Supported Education
ըստ Will Macfarlane December 2010
Pick-a-Pocket Gardeners
ըստ Minka vanBeuzekom November 2010Invisible Instruments
ըստ Timothy Soo October 2010
ըստ Jane McGonigal September 2010
Ripley Garden for the Hungry
ըստ Thomas J Ripley August 2010
Serval Project - Remote/Disaster Comm System
ըստ Paul Gardner-Stephen May 2010
Grassroots Mapping
ըստ Jeffrey Yoo Warren April 2010
DIY Bioengineered Inks
ըստ Charles Fracchia March 2010Tools for Improved Social Interacting
ըստ Lauren McCarthy December 2009
Eco-pod Armada
ըստ Lee Altman November 2009
Cotton Candy Cannon
ըստ Josh Gordonson October 2009
The Big Hammock
ըստ Hansy Better Barraza August 2009
Մեր մասին
Started during the summer of 2009 in Boston, the founding chapter of the Awesome Foundation is all about micro-grants for maximum awesome.
The definition of "Awesome" is left open ended on purpose and we convene ISO that intanglible combination of impact, surprise and joy. Monthly meetings result in awarding a $1,000 grant. Fellowship recipients are posted to the gallery at the top of the page so check back to see who is getting the ca$h.
Realizing that there's more awesome out there than money in our pockets, we host local office hours in Boston so that we get to meet you (yes, you!) and brainstorm ideas or make introductions to help make your awesome idea happen. Signup for our mailing list to hear when we're hosting 'Awesome Hours' or a fellowship party.
Interested in becoming a trustee of Awesome Boston? Fill out our rolling application. We're not always looking for new trustees, but we'll contact you when we are!