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We are the Fleurieu chapter of awesome!

The Awesome Foundation is microphilanthropy in action. As with other chapters, ten people contribute to make $1000 available each month to fund awesomeness.

The Fleurieu Peninsula is full of awesome ideas, creatives, change makers, community organisations and individuals doing awesome things for our beautiful region. Awesome Foundation Fleurieu is passionate about seeing them flourish! We grant one thousand dollars every month with zero strings attached. Just the money awesome needs. Let us know what you are planning, why it's awesome and how you plan to spend the money.

We carefully assess each application. And we did say there are no strings, however there are some things we won't fund:

• Marketing for already established projects

• Initiatives where the grant will generate direct profit for the applicant

• Any travel, catering expenses or operations associated with running a business

• Awesome submissions that don't show how the money will be used

Next grant period will start in February 2024. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN We'd love to hear from you!

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