Free fitness Mum's group

Our Group of ladies are committed to embracing, helping one another and getting together each week to support each other and spend time together, combining fitness as well.
As mums we run around after our children, getting them to sport and various after school activities, and it costs money. We had a team of mums at Seaford Calisthenics that enjoyed the sport too. However when it came to paying for their insurance and lessons for themselves, most mums had to give it up to be able to afford for their children to continue. At Seaford Calisthenics we had already booked the hall in advance for a year to coach this group of awesome mums. So we decided that we would run a free fitness mum group on any coin donation they could afford, to give back something to them.
As a not for profit club the hall costs us $20 per week. This adds up, so $1000 will go a long way to helping the mums keep the class running.