It seems strange that a town like Antigonish doesn't have one of those festivals devoted to an abundantly produced local fruit or vegetable. And in keeping with our community's quirky and fun population, why not embrace the produce that overgrows and overflows every late summer / early fall -- so much so that a local myth prevails that if you leave your car doors unlocked at that time of year you will find yourself with gifted zucchini?
I've already got the community group Cultural Connections Antigonish interested in this project (they are thinking of giving their September community potluck a zucchini theme) and I have no doubt I can get local restaurants to participate in creating zucchini specials to serve over the course of a week in September...
For this first year, I want to keep it manageable and grass-roots (not necessarily creating separate events but encouraging businesses and organizations to integrate the festival into their regular activities in creative ways), but if it goes well it would be great to build on it in future years.
The only actual event I am committed to organizing myself is a Zucchini-Boat-Making Workshop!