Water for a Thirsty Therapeutic Garden

In 2014, our block club received a $5000 grant to create a therapeutic garden for the clients of Envision Unlimited. Located on the north side of Chicago at 4919 N. Clark Street, Envision’s Kathryn Kruger Center serves ten seniors with developmental disabilities and 17 adults with autism. With this grant, we transformed the Center’s outdoor space from an unwelcoming asphalt pad into a vibrant green space for both clients and community members to enjoy.
Since the garden was created, community members, Envision clients, and staff have worked together to tend to the flowers and plants. In 2016, we added a small vegetable garden.
Unfortunately, our only water source is inside the Center. To water the plants, we must snake a hose across a bathroom and through a side window. Because of the hassle involved, the plants don't get watered frequently enough, and the clients don't spend as much time outdoors.