We are a very young organization helping people with physical challenges or psychiatric concerns train their own service dogs. We currently have an influx of new applicants that are military veterans. We have both male and female veterans from both Iraq and Afghanistan. Some have physical issues from war injuries. All have some level of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which is crippling in it's own way.
Deputy Dogs perform tasks that make their human partner's lives more independent. They provide walking support, pick up items for people who can't bend over, open and close doors, carry items, plus many more tasks. On the psychiatric service dog side, they perform tasks like "blocking" and "posting" - providing a protective barrier around their partner to make them comfortable in difficult public situations. They break episodes of dissociation and anxiety attacks. They will even search your home for you and let you know there are no intruders.
We rescue dogs from Philadelphia area rescues to match with our clients. They live at home with them and come to class weekly for up to 2 years. The goal is to achieve full certification under the standards of Assistance Dogs International.