You Matter!

Several years ago, I started holding up signs that said "Thank You" when people did kind things for me in traffic. The other side said "Sorry" for when I did something like pull out in front of someone. About a year ago, I started holding up a sign at intersections that said "YOU MATTER" on it. It came out of the desire to have people know that their lives are important because for many years, I didn't feel that my life was worth much. After Robin Williams died, I started having "YOU MATTER" cards printed up at Vistaprints and now I send them anonymously (I hated that I had to "out" myself to all of you). I leave them everywhere I go and give them to friends to give out. Joanne Grant saw them and told me about your grants. I would love to receive a grant to be used for paint and a stipend for the artists who paint them. Joanne is going to help find buildings in Orlando whose owners will allow us to paint on them. With everything happening in the world, this message could not be more timely. I would love for someone to see it and change the way s/he lives his/her life. I hope you will see the worthiness of this project. Thank you for serving on this board. YOU MATTER!