Beats Behind Bars

Beats Behind Bars is a one week creative music project targeting young artists in correction facilities in Nairobi. This project aims to help prisoners develop a more positive and creative view of life and improve their chance of successful rehabilitation.
We will select 10 artists in Kamiti medium security prison who will undergo an extensive 1 week music training which will be conducted by professional musicians. The course will involve lessons on the areas of vocal technique, musicianship, artistic creativity, song writing skills, composition, playing instruments and performance skills.
The participants will be encouraged to come up with song ideas (educative) which will be recorded and professionally mixed by the award winning music producer Dr.Eddie in a makeshift studio constructed within Kamiti prison.
The peak of the project will be a performance of the new music by the artists to the prisoners and the prison staff on the final day .
The CD and DVD copies produced will be sent to participating artists ,their friends and families and also distributed to radio and TV stations music programs.
This project will empower and motivate the artists to become role models while in prison and also in the society when they get out.