The Lonely chairs

The grant With help me to achieve my goal of helping Australia reduce Domestic violence.
Over last recorded Year Australia has seen an increase of 15% in domestic violence rate,
We have also seen an increase in mental health conditions. I am an Australian artist with1st hand experience with escaping violence ,I would like to make my mess my message
By sharing my art With other Australians to help individuals overcome domestic violence. By raising awarness to the need for change.I
have established a strong means to convey my message that is easy to identify with, these
being what I call the lonely chairs .each chair was Been found abandoned or donated and
restored to a working stable condition and I have painted beautiful art works individually
on each chair. Each chair is unique no chair is the same .this is a strong message of the
loneliness that people encounter as well as depicts how something broken can be made into
something beautiful again.
I want to hold an exhibition for the lonely chairs and auction each chair individually