Dunes Learning Center Food Waste Education

I am starting a composting program at the Dunes Learning Center that will be used in conjunction with our current food waste program. We collect food waste at the end of each meal and educate the students about the importance of not producing food waste we also collect organic wastes to compost, but our current compost system is very problematic as we are located within the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and wildlife is in great abundance. I along with some of my co-workers are looking to improve the quality of our current food waste program and add in some extra educational experiences for students. We are working to show students the importance of goal setting in life while also teaching them ways to create a more sustainable environment, which we all want right! This project would allow for at least 5,000 students to be exposed to the practice of composting and other food related sustainability practices. In addition to the compost project we will be starting an herb garden, to be used in the Dunes Learning Center kitchen, when the compost project is off the ground and we are actually producing good amounts of compost. The compost will be added to the herb garden. This would be a very student friendly project because manual labor is needed to turn the organic waste of around 70 individuals into actual compostable material, any large pieces need to be cut into smaller chunks that microbes can more easily breakdown through the composting process.