Hoy por ti.Mañana por mi Undocumented Immmigrants

During the COVID-19 pandemic many immigrant and undocumented peoples have been left out with no financial recourse. Undocumented and mixed families are disqualified from the financial assistance afforded by the CARES ACT.
NY State has created a fund that will provide assistance for only 20,000 individuals. It is important to keep in mind there are approximately 560,000 undocumented/immigrant peoples in NY State alone.
Our society relies on undocumented workers as a large portion of the service industry (hospitality, restaurants, etc.) is comprised of them. This sector has been hard hit with layoffs due to COVID-19.
The dire need for financial support for this group of people is evident. Our purpose is to raise funds to provide financial assistance to this group of people who have been left with no where to turn for help.