Dingle Community Print Workshop

The idea behind our print workshop came about though chance and opportunity. In july 2017 I was lucky enough to be offered a room rent free in a community building in the dingle to use for the good of the local residents and provide an activity/service or workshop from. At the same time the opportunity came up to buy an exposure unit used in the screen printing industry to expose design onto screens .
myself, and two other artists- Jake Florek and michelle Wren combined forces and decided we needed to take this opportunity to set up a community print studio. We bought the machine with our own money and acquired the rest of the equipment for free over a few months. Once we felt set up we then applied for funding through Beautiful Ideas Company for the rest of the materials.
Our aim is to set about using the print room to run regular art projects and workshops from for small numbers of young adults in Dingle and Toxteth areas of liverpool. We hope to link up with other community youth projects such as Toxteth T.V, Toxteth FireFit, The Florrie and Squash Nutrition to provide multi disciplinary projects.
We want to offer those on low income an opportunity to learn these skills and potentially apply them to what interests them, weather it be making t-shirts for their band, posters for DJ nights or just wanting to make art we would like it to be a place they can have a go at it.
If our idea takes off we imagine in the near future to be able to sustain the expenses of the materials and utilities by taking on small jobs for local businesses. By printing t-shirts/flyers or artwork we can also provide payed employment to the young adults from the area who have already been trained up to do those jobs.
We have spent so much time and effort between the three of us along with a lot of help from friends and family yet we are still a long way from being able to run a project in the space due to lack of funds and legal documentation required.