Just Like You Dolls

In March this year Jade launched a business that creates a variety or medical devices for dolls.
Her daughter Bella (now 5) was born with bilateral congenital hearing loss and has since been implanted with Cochlear Implants.
Bella has always loved her dolls and Jade soon noticed her trying to put her own implants onto her dolls. Christmas 2016 she set out to create a doll for Bella that had toy implants. When she opened is Christmas morning she was so excited to see a doll that had 'special ears' just like hers. Jade gifted her friend a doll and it was that moment when she saw the look of pure joy, she knew it was something she had to share with other children. Supported by her husband and father in-law who designs all of the devices, they have started their own business 'Just Like You Dolls' Alllowing customers to customise their medical devices (types and colours) as well as their doll type so that they can finally have a doll 'Just Like Them'.
Now they are in the process of trying to get their name out into the community so that they can bring the same joy to as many families as possible.