The Adventure Project

The Adventure Project (TAP) is an innovative non-profit movement dedicated to lifting people in developing countries out of poverty by creating transformative jobs.
We “add venture” capital to help local organizations scale and thrive. TAP fills a critical role in alleviating poverty by leveraging the power of a grassroots movement toward smart, cost-effective solutions that empower the poor to become profitable entrepreneurs, so they can serve their own communities with improved health, decreased hunger, a safer environment and clean water.
We provide funding, technology innovations, and marketing support to help the best local organizations with proven job creation programs innovate and scale. Rather than a handout, a job has the power to move a family out of poverty forever and give people the dignity they deserve.
In six years, The Adventure Project has galvanized the support of over 8,000 donors to create jobs for 1,000 men and women in India, Kenya, Uganda and Haiti. These entrepreneurs now serve over one million people in their communities with lifesaving goods and services.