The Garden Tribe

The Piqua Area Chamber is working to design and build a school garden for the Piqua CIty School District. The garden will be located across the street from the Piqua Central Intermediate School. This is a collaborative project between the Piqua City School District, parents and students, Piqua Area Chamber of Commerce, OSU College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Miami County Master Gardeners. The school garden which has been named the Garden Tribe has been offered to the Piqua Catholic Schools for use by their teachers and students as well. The PACC's intention with the school garden is to create a pilot program that incorporates the Piqua community as part of the project. Research into the benefits of a school gardens has shown that they provide outdoor classrooms, writing laboratories and science observatories. Kids learn about nutrition and how to grow the food that they eat. Gardens help teach kids life skills such a commitment, ownership, responsibility and entrepreneurship. Kids learn that school gardens provide food for farmers markets, families, food pantries and the community. And, school gardens give kids a chance to get outdoors, experience physical activity and to breathe fresh air. The PACC believes that the Garden Tribe is an awesome project and it has the potential to enhance the lives of the citizens of the Piqua community for years to come.