The World in Fargo-Moorhead

The World in Fargo-Moorhead shows the immense diversity of foreign-born residents now living in the Red River Valley - one photo and one story at a time. Modeled on Humans of NY, the project reveals the unique aspects of each person’s life and experiences. The people who are photographed may be immigrants, refugees, foreign students or workers on temporary visas. They may have lived here 50 years or one day.
The project officially launched in September of 2016 with an exhibit for Welcoming Week at the downtown Fargo Public Library. Exhibits are an ongoing feature of the project. The project also builds an ever-growing audience on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @theworldinfm. At last count we had over 2000 followers of our FB page. The project publishes photos/quotes to our Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages 2-3 times weekly.
The project has struck a very positive chord within the FM community. recently started publishing five images/quotes from the project for the online version of the magazine every month. And there have been numerous requests to show exhibit portraits/quotes at various venues including conferences, the Moorhead Public Library, the MLK Day celebration at the Fargo Theatre and at international meals designed to educate participants about different cultures.
The World in Fargo-Moorhead is a collaborative, voluntary effort among photo enthusiasts throughout the area. Newcomers are welcome to attend the project’s monthly meetings at the downtown Fargo Public library. Our collaborative has grown to approximately 20 members. We continue our outreach efforts to attract more photo enthusiasts to join the project. We do not advocate a political position or get involved in the area's ongoing political debates. We let the people we photograph/interview speak for themselves. But this project does feel very right for this moment in the life of our area.