Stickers for Conservation!

I've spent my entire life taking advantage of Alaska's wild lands, with very minimal effort to help preserve/conserve those lands. In light of the new Federal Administration, I'm getting proactive about conservation.
I don't have many financial resources, but I do have a large group of friends and fans that appreciate my style of adventuring. I spend several months a year on wilderness trips, human-powered and creative. For example: we biked the Denali Park Road to climb Denali, then floated rivers out to Talkeetna. I've ice skated from Bethel to Goodnews Bay (150 miles), and skied from Yakutat to McCarthy over Mt. Logan, tallest peak in Canada (370 miles). These trips are all done on minimal budget, and presented in a way that is accessible to a lot of people. There isn't a lot of agro or ego involved.
I'm leveraging the group of people that find my trips inspiring, sharing with them the need to get proactive about conservation. If those people step up their conservation game (by donating money to conservation campaigns, calling our Representatives, starting conversations, etc.), then I send them cool stickers.
The stickers use artwork donated by various artist friends and connections who support this project. The stickers are unbranded, no hashtags or slogans, just clean art.
This week I mailed 50 stickers. 10 people called their Reps. $5,000 has been donated to conservation groups.