Suit Up!

The Suit Up! Business and Professional Clothing Program is a community initiative to collect clean gently worn professional attire for Teens/Adults entering or re-entering the workforce. The Purpose of the program is to promote the importance of owning a suit and dressing well. This helps with the development professional attitudes, building self-confidence, increasing the value of self-worth while making a difference in our community by inspiring and changing lives. The Suit Up! Campaign is committed to providing new beginnings for people facing issues of self- confidence and overcoming obstacles when entering the workforce for the first time. Over the last year the Suit Up! program has partnered to work with students at Sam Houston High School, Wheatley MS, and other middle and elementary schools within the Eastside Promise Zone Neighborhoods (EPN) footprint. The SUIT UP! program has partnered with Bexar County Municipal Courts to hold weekly classes at Pfieffer Academy which provides mentorship, career and college readiness along with business and professional etiquette training. There is a 8 week curriculum and classes include, Tie Tying, ironing, self image and productive attitudes. Our mission is to help instill positive behaviors by working with the youth and their families personally and introducing them to professional etiquette, to help prepare them for college and career planning. The overall goal is to serve the community at large within the upcoming year. This year we are striving to provide professional attire for 250 students once they have completed the 8 week program.