DTSJ Sidewalk Chalk Art - Temporary Wayfinding

Downtown San Jose has many awesome, fun areas -- SoFA, Cesar Chavez Plaza and surrounding cultural institutions, the Paseo de San Antonio, and San Pedro Square neighborhoods to name a few.
Unfortunately, for people who aren't familiar with Downtown, navigating between these parts of town is hard.
A group of urbanists from the American Leadership Forum, myself included, want to test out wayfinding solutions through chalk art that leads people to and from various parts of downtown. We propose specifically to start with the SJ Jazz Festival (8/12-8/14) and/or Viva CalleSJ (9/18), using stencils and art to liven up area sidewalks and get people exciting about exploring "off the beaten path."
We have been inspired by San Jose's own Luna Park Chalk Festival, chalk art / information done for the 2014 Pop-Up Project, and Housing 2.0 Summit, and other sidewalk wayfinding and art from around the world. See the following links for images and examples:
- http://tinyurl.com/Luna-Park-Chalk-Art
- http://www.nicklewis.com.au/#/summersalt-festival-2015/
- http://p-and-w.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/46443439885386135/