Party World Rasslin'

Party World Rasslin’ is a “theatrical wrestling” event which exists somewhere on the spectrum between comedic performance art and professional wrestling. We use the narrative and physical vernacular of pro wrestling to tell the big, long, dumb, and collaborative stories that move us. It has grown over the past year and a half from a backyard party of a few friends with a few dozen attendees to a 1400-attendee megaspectacular with a staff of 70 artists and performers.
Pro wrestling is an engaging sort of physical storytelling that embodies conflict in a raw and primal way. It is also an extremely goofy style of performance that is beset by bald seriousness and stodgy, dour tradition. PWR dissects this format and reassembles it as a community-oriented, self-effacing, outsider-artist-run spectacle. With great stories, jokes, and brilliant performers at the helm, the audacity of pro wrestling is put into the service of big-hearted narratives, without the posturing sobriety that turns people away from wrestling at large. This allows the stories of conflict to be told in a safe space free of the toxic hypermasculinity or aggressive oppression cultivated in mainstream wrestling. Good vs evil, big vs small, flawed social norm vs passionate outsider—these, and more, we explore in the ring.
A grant from the Austin Awesome Foundation will go toward's PWR's June 2016 show, SLIP 'N' SLAM: SLIMETIME, a Nickelodeon Games 'n' Sports-themed extravaganza.