Round-a-bout Beautification

South Bend has created numerous roundabouts over the past several years. Each roundabout usually includes central and outlying green spaces which include turf and planting beds which are landscaped with are planted with plant material and mulched with bark or gravel.
After the initial installation these roundabouts look great. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a budget increase for the parks department so these areas can be adequately maintained and they usually end up being overgrown with weeds and populated with numerous dead shrubs.
Our awesome project would be the development of an organization which will find sponsors to fund the maintenance for each roundabout in the city. In addition, this organization would solicit volunteers to clean up a roundabout each spring. This would help reduciethe maintenance costs for the remainder of the year. Each sponsor/volunteer group would be permitted to place signage at the roundabout they sponsor/maintain.
Other details will be outlined during presentation