We Work We Win

We Work We Win is a dual project that provides hands-on work readiness skills while also providing supplemental food resources for 160 youth from homes with serious food insecurities. The student lead "free grocery" will also be open to the local community surrounding Helensview School in NE Portland, Oregon. Students will help to (1) organize food drives, (2) connect with local food panties and community gardens in the area (3) operate and run a student lead "free" grocery store for Helensview Students and Community members at large.
The majority of all students at Helensview School (over 90%) are at or below poverty levels.
Nearly all Helensview Students face serious food insecurity on a regular basis.
The overwhelming majority of our students have little or no work experience and need realistic, hands-on opportunities for work-readiness and work ethics in action.
The community surrounding Helensview School in NE Portland are at or below poverty level.