Detroit: Door of Opportunity

Detroit has always been a place of new beginnings, innovation and trailblazing. It is a city open to new things while treasuring its history. Symbols of beginnings, transitions, endings and entrances into new worlds and places, doors are the perfect medium to tell the Detroit story; its past, its present and it future.
Door of Opportunity is a traveling exhibition of visual art, film and online performances displaying the creativity and opportunities in Detroit for artists. What makes this exhibit unique is the visual art in this exhibition is actual doors transformed into art. Participants range from students to seniors, emerging artists, and seasoned artists - all Metro Detroit residents. This is not a competition or juried show. It is open to all Metro-Detroiters who want to create.
We are in our first year but the vision is clear; to grow Door of Opportunity into a project that continually tours around the city bringing more art to communities. We also will work diligently to permanently install doors in Metro-Detroit neighborhoods and communities. These doors will be visual symbols of the opportunity that exist in Detroit for all Detroit residents.
All doors and the stories of the artists who create them will be available online increasing awareness of the talent in Detroit beyond Detroit's borders.