Litter Critters

We make art out of trash collected at the beach to make people think about the plastic they use and discard, and to raise money to support Save the Bay's efforts to clean up and restore the San Francisco Bay.
How it all started:
After hearing on the radio that there is more plastic than plankton in some parts of the ocean my seven-year-old daughter and I started picking up trash at the beach once a week. One, day, she held up two pieces of plastic and said, “this looks like an elephant”. Because we are a crafty family we took them home and turned them into our very first Litter Critter. After this we decided to sell them and give part of the money to the “Save the Bay” foundation.
My dream for this project is to take groups to the beach (and even through neighborhoods) to collect trash and then have workshops where we turn the trash into art.
With this grant we will pilot Litter Critter workshops and buy supplies. So far the response to Litter Critters is amazing. People love the idea, love supporting cleaner beaches, and LOVE to make art out of trash.