WHEELS: Tactical Urbanism Neighborhood Greenway

WHEELS is a project of The East Coast Greenway Alliance, Green Mobility Network/Bike SoMi, the City of South Miami, and many dedicated volunteers, with the goal on getting more people taking bike with transit trips for transportation and recreation on the week of Nov 11-15, 2015.
The Awesome Foundation can help!
One small but very important project is the tactical urban implementation of South Miami's 58th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway, which runs the entire north-south length of the city. The idea is that people can use 58th Avenue, a green, local street to bike and connect to transit. 58th Avenue connects to our our downtown, the South Miami Metrorail, the Underline, local schools, the community center, and parks and neighborhoods.
See http://www.citylab.com/design/2012/03/guide-tactical-urbanism/1387/
and also,http://www.southmiamifl.gov/documentcenter/view/1118