Blindness, Education and Training for Youth

The purpose of the BETA project is to recruit, train, and empower competent blind persons with the skills and resources to serve as sensitivity awareness
presenters, and education advocates (BETA Specialists) within the educational environment of blind students. Blind individuals traveling to various schools throughout Georgia to conduct blindness awareness trainings will help to dismiss the fears and stereotypes held by many that continue to negatively affect our blind youth. In addition, exposure to successful blind adults will help to educate parents and professionals about appropriate accommodations, and help parents set realistic academic expectations for their blind children. Furthermore, we know that the best advocate for a blind child is an educated blind adult. It is essential to have competent blind individuals participating in the education planning of a blind student to ensure the development and implementation of successful real world strategies that foster an effective educational environment for blind students. If you are and education professional that would like a BETA presentation at your school, if you are a parent that needs assistance from a BETA Specialist in developing and appropriate Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for your child, or most important, if you are a blind adult that would like to be trained to conduct effective BETA presentations and serve as an advocate for a blind child, please contact us.
Georgians Empowered through Mentoring Success
The aim of the Georgians Empowered through Mentoring Success (GEMS) program is to link blind and low vision young adults throughout Georgia, ages sixteen to twenty-six, with successful blind and low vision mentors for the purpose of increasing knowledge and participation in the vocational rehabilitation process with a resulting outcome of increased post-secondary academic success, high-quality employment, and community integration.