Showered With Hope Inc.

Showered with Hope is a New York City-based non-profit whose founders aim to empower individuals experiencing homelessness in New York City to achieve self-sufficiency. Founded by NYU students moved to take action to impact NYC's homeless and augment city services, Showered with Hope will create programs that deliver meaningful interventions for the homeless community, starting with mobile hygiene centers focused on those experiencing homelessness who are currently underserved by the city's existing infrastructure.
Their ambition? SWH will retrofit compressed natural gas transit buses into mobile "hygiene units," each consisting of a shower, toilet and private changing area, bringing to life their mission to use hygiene to help restore the dignity of individuals experiencing homelessness. Taking cues from, and working closely with, the mobile program run by San Francisco's Lava Mae, Showered with Hope's roving hygiene center will park near partner and development services, coupling their mobile program with interventions to help improve the lives of New York's homeless, including counseling and resume building.
We're happy that our December grant will go towards the development of its proof-of-concept SWH Mini - a model for smaller, independent shower units that can be transported via trailers or trucks. The grant funding will also be used to support the group's awareness campaign, Unsheltered New York (UNY), a Humans of New York-like take on the struggles of New York City's homeless.
Follow them and contribute to their efforts at and @swh_ny.