Misadventures Magazine

Misadventures Magazine was founded to fill the media gap between outdoors magazines, which are mainly written by and for men, and traditional women's magazines, which usually cover topics like fashion, weight loss, weddings, dating advice, and diet. We didn't see ourselves on either of those publications' pages and knew that there must be so many women who didn't either.
We wanted Misadventures to be an outdoors magazine by and for adventurous women, and since our founding in October of last year we've gotten nothing but amazing feedback and support from so many women saying basically, "Finally! Thank you!" We've grown exponentially and now get 15,000 page views per month and have more than twenty regular contributors. Our content includes long-form essays, how-to's, guides, gear reviews, photo essays, recipes, and interviews.
We hope to keep growing our readership, expanding our content and reach, and upholding our goal to change the way women are shown in the media. As our mission states: MISADVENTURES champions women who embrace creativity, take risks, and go out and beyond. We spotlight inspirational feats and figures, beautiful spaces, honest-to-goodness adventures, and discoveries of all sorts.