
Emojig.com is a caregiving marketplace for finding senior care. Caregivers right now are underpaid and underutilized. Traditional Home Care Agencies charge families $20-25 and pay caregivers $8-10 dollars. Most caregivers live on the poverty line; our website helps solve this issue. Caregivers can charge their own fees in a marketplace setting selling their services to families who need them.
The aging population is one that is constantly growing and by 2030, 20% of the American Population will be 65+. For most families getting in-home care is affordable alternative to other forms of care. The big problem is that it’s difficult for families and seniors to find caregivers. Families want to find trusted sources for getting caregivers we provide this by creating a bridge for vetted caregivers and families to connect.
Our website acts as a connective tool for families and caregivers to find one another. Emojig is a resource that can bind the in-home care industry assisting every family looking for care by making senior care services more accessible.
My college roommate and I have dedicated this summer to working on this project. I personally come from a family filled with caregivers and my roommate shares a story of having a hard time finding senior care for his grandmother. We’ve taken our stories and created a solution for families and caregivers to find one another.