"Let's MOVE! Fun Run and Health Fair"

How awesome is this: Pre-K families from all over San Antonio will gather at Olmos Park on May 17th. There will be a large stage with a Zumba Team encouraging families to dance and burn calories in a fun way. There will be also a Yoga station teaching families balance and stretching their muscles. We have a fun run simultaneously occurring where kids get prizes for running to every station. Selrico’s Farmer’s Market has inexpensive fresh produce to purchase. SATX Pedal Power (an Awesome Grant winner!), will be running a blender station, where kids can cycle to blend their own smoothie. Various Health organizations like the Diabetes Association will have booths to educate families on healthy lifestyles. The event will be from 9am-12pm and we are expecting over 1000 participants. Families will be encouraged to bring picnics and stay in the park all day. It’s an awesome celebration for people from all over our city.