Achieve More Scotland - Select Dance Team

Achieve More! Scotland is a registered SCIO based in Glasgow. We deliver programmes to improve young people’s physical and mental health and well-being, confidence and self-esteem, aspirations, personal responsibility and life chances by engaging them in structured, positive activities that work across communities and are delivered by role models. These activities take place within schools and communities.
Our diversionary activities for young people include sports, physical activity, group work, volunteering, employability and personal development sessions in areas of high social deprivation.
Our Select Dance team consists of talented members who are young people from areas that fall within Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 1 & 2 in Glasgow. Generally, these young people are priced out of activities such as dance because of the costs associated with participating.
Each team member auditioned to secure their place and all were very passionate about taking their dance skills to the next level. By joining this team, they meet like-minded young people from the city, make new friends and share their creativity and passion for dance. The group comprises young people aged between 10 and 18 who are very interested in participating in dance. Being part of our Select Dance team will enable them to participate in competitions across the country to showcase their talents and skills. Some participants, who have been part of our programmes for many years, are volunteers with us at Achieve More Scotland. This is a testament to their commitment and our impact on their lives.