P.E.A.C.E Project Recycle (Donkeys for development

The project includes setting up a community recycling buyback centre that will facilitate the collection sorting and selling of waste to gain an income. It is purely a local economic development programme, looking at creating jobs, generation of income and cleaning of the environment in Senwabarwana, a rural community in deep rural Limpopo province, South Africa. Waste collection will be done using the Municipal system, and since this is not adequate, it will also include the collection of waste using trolleys and cages that are easily on and offloaded from a converted pick up truck which i am still fundraising for. The most innovative part of the project is the use of donkey drawn carts to collect waste door to door in areas the Municipality is currently not servicing. The project is centred around cooperatives who become the direct beneficiaries, since i work under P.E.A.C.E Foundation. The idea is to pull rural communities out of poverty through provision of jobs for the otherwise unemployable in the informal sector. Currently, i have received funding for the baling machine, fencing, electronic scale, 2 cages, 10 trolleys and protective clothing. This has seen One cooperative of 5 women moving from working from an unprotected dumpsite to operating from a formal structure, with water, electricity and the prerequisite machinery essential for operating a buyback centre. We have also identified 9 donkey owners whom have already been sent for training on proper harnessing of donkeys, and once we fundraise for their donkey carts, they will now be formally employed in their own cooperative structure. We will also have recycling competitions and workshops in schools to promote recycling activities at a school level