Raven Robotics

Raven Robotics was launched 4 years ago by our current teacher and coach, Joseph Siconolfi. His hope was that by encouraging students to join a competitive atmosphere while learning more about STEM, or science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Currently, his hopes are a reality as 12 of the most committed and dedicated students at Mulock spend an average of 2 hours a night 5 nights a week EVERY school week of the year in his classroom after class building robots for competitions, holding design meetings, holding scouting meeting, traveling to meet other teams and become allies with them so we can team up on other teams in competitions and even attending competitions we don't compete in to scout out our enemies. Although this is a very serious competition to those on the team, we always remember that we are there for fun and that whether we win or lose, we've done our best. The team is currently struggling to afford material costs for the robots (often many thousands of dollars) and we are also trying to expand our team by adding a new robot so that more students at Mulock can have the opportunity to learn in this fun environment. Our hope is that through community outreach (going to local events to advertise our cause), we can raise enough funds to continue Raven Robotics but with a $1000 grant, those dreams would instantly because a reality. If we win a tournament in the upcoming season, Raven Robotics will have the opportunity to represent Newmarket, Ontario and even Canada at the VEX robotics World Championship held in Anaheim, California. We are currently the only team in all of the York region district school board competing in these robotics competitions.