Pollinators Eat for Free

Since World War II, American’s have been convinced that the only attractive lawn is a monoculture– a dedicated space around a home covered uniformly with only one type of plant: turfgrass. This is terrible-- for the soil, for our aquifers, and for our pollinator friends. The chemical lawn industry has marketed a standard ideal to Americans which is simply unsustainable– in both the short term and the long term. Because of the chemical industry’s marketing, any amount of diversity is seen as a failure in one’s lawn. Prior to World War II, however, plants like clover were regularly included in standard grass seed mixes and dandelions were not seen as a nuisance.
Homeowners far too often expect perfection from their lawn, because this is what the chemical industry has convinced us is “normal.” In an ongoing effort to attain that level of perfection, synthetic chemicals are applied again and again, in the hopes that any flaws will be instantly fixed.
This eradication of any amount of diversity from lawns is contributing to the decline of pollinators’ populations. Without clover populating the landscape, bees and other insects can’t find enough of the food they need to sustain their numbers.
So our plan is to help homeowners incorporate Dutch White Clover back into their lawns, free of charge! As we secure funding, we'll purchase bulk clover seed, divide it into quarter-pound packages, and give it away until the supply is gone, or until we secure more funding.