Access for all

We live on a small island off the west coast of Canada, Mayne Island. We rely on ferry service to access any resources needed. There are a number of children on our small island (population ~1300) diagnosed and undiagnosed with sensory needs that sometimes keep them from participating in group/community events.
I would like to use this awesome grant to purchase sensory equipment for the newly built Mayne Island Family Place so that it’s easier for those with sensory needs to participate in activities and events.
Simple equipment such as noise-reducing headphones, weighted blankets or stuffed animals, and specialty lighting can make a big difference to a child with ASD or ADHD. Opportunities like this for these children can help them learn to self-regulate so that they can develop the abilities needed to navigate the world independently later in life. Being able to include children with specialty needs will also teach other children how to include and work with those with differences.
The Family Place is physically accessible but lets make it mentally and emotionally accessible too!