Vancouver Community Building Kazoo Flash Mob

Vancouver needs to be a little more awesome. We need to do more things that make people smile. We want to put on an event that brings together people from across the city to participate in a flash mob on the Sea Wall. We will provide each participant with their own Awesome Kazoo. As they arrive to the gathering point (probably the large bird statues in the Olympic Village), we will send off groups with their kazoos, under the supervision of a section leader, to designated stations around the Sea Wall. Each group will practice their kazoo skills as they walk. After all of the sections are launched, we will serenade the city with a series of musical pieces, mostly likely to include Oh Canada, the Good Ol’ Hockey Song, and other popular pieces. The group will parade along the Sea Wall en mass, most likely to Granville Island, where we will complete the performance (and most likely contribute to the financial well being of local coffee shops).
This is not a trivial undertaking. Getting the kazoos is easy, but we will have to coordinate our team of around 15 section leaders with practices and detailed planning over the Summer. To attract the attendees, we would take advantage of social media, our involvement in groups (e.g. the UBC Summer Music Institute), and connections (e.g. CBC Radio).