SCAR Derby Presents: Birthday Bash 2022

Due to COVID-19, the sport of roller derby has come to a complete halt. WFTDA, the largest international roller derby association, has proposed local tournaments to help get derby back on its feet. State College Area Roller Derby(SCAR) was selected by WFTDA to host one of these tournaments in October of 2022. This would be a two day tournament bringing teams from across the East Coast to the Centre County region for a family friendly event that is open to the public. Additionally, the tournament would highlight gender inclusivity in sports. WFTDA, and SCAR, are strong supporters of the LGBTQIA+ community, and we look forward to promoting these values at the event.
This would be the biggest and most ambitious event SCAR has taken on in its 12 year history. We are excited about the opportunity to reintroduce roller derby to central PA, highlight Centre County as a premiere WFTDA location, support gender inclusive sports, and celebrate SCAR Derby's 12th anniversary.