TouchBot Pleasure Tech

We’re TouchBot Pleasure Tech, and we make accessible tools and toys for diverse bodies and abilities.
People often talk about about access barriers in the built environment, but rarely is there discussion about access to pleasure, and how for many people with disabilities, larger bodies, or limited range of motion, the option to use conventional sex toys is literally out of reach.
I’m a disabled designer and journalist who writes about accessibility in design and technology, but it wasn't until I began covering stories in the sex tech industry that I realized the majority of mainstream pleasure products were not designed for a broad spectrum of physical abilities, including my own.
As a designer and a consumer, I was frustrated by the lack of accessible options available. I heard similar complaints after talking to others within the disability community, and I knew that there was a need that was not being met. Rather than continuing to adapt existing products, I decided to create something new by collaborating with my partner Alex, a nanotechnology engineer, synthesist and maker.
Together we’ve designed a system of toys and tools that help to remove access barriers to pleasure and sexual expression; challenge normative ideas around disability and sex; and foster an open co-design environment with our community.
What our grantee is saying: "We're so honored to receive this award from the Awesome Foundation! This grant will enable us to finalize our prototype and bring our designs closer to the production stage and our upcoming product launch! We're so grateful for the support."
What our trustees are saying: "I voted for this project because disabled joy is so important!"