Trans Youth Voice Lessons

Choosing Our Roots is a small grassroots non-profit that provides services to homeless and housing insecure LGBTQ+ youth ages 13 to 24. Please see our website to learn more about COR and the amazing youth we work with and the powerful work we do,
This project will offer virtual voice training lessons for Choosing Our Roots participants that identify as trans youth ages 13-24. Youth from the communities of MatSu Valley, Anchorage, and the Kenai Peninsula will be invited to attend. There will be two groups. One for feminizing the voice, and one for creating a more masculine voice. The classes will be composed of 5 youth in each group, so 10 youth in total will be served by this project. There will be 6 sessions for each group. The sessions will be held once per week. The first two lessons will cover anatomy of the mouth and education on how humans perceive sound and pitch. The remaining four lessons will be “hands on” vocal lessons and practicing. Recordings of the classes will be uploaded to a private dropbox where the youth can access them for reference.