Exhibition of Bums

My awesome project idea is to run an an exhibition showing sculptures of a variety of bums. The bums will be cast from real life models with alginate and made into plaster sculptures for display
The bums reflect different genders, identities, lifestyle choices, body shapes and sizes and will be displayed at Make CIC's event space for a one night, pop up exhibition.
The purpose is for people coming to have insight into the true reality of body shapes, the sculptures show a clear representation of bums as they really are, rather than how they are perceived in the media etc.
There will be clear and honest insight into what bums really look like!
There is a Unique quality to bums that transcends identity and can show the true aspect of the nature of the body, rather than what is perceived by our thoughts and societal influences
The aim of this exhibition is to gain some experience in exhibiting my art work. I intend to use this as a stepping stone to run more exhibitors that explore the human body and lifestyles in more detail.