#DRAWWESTMINSTER5X7 is 14 weeks of drawing prompts to encourage the Westminster community to observe, draw, experience and share what makes Westminster, Maryland a great place to live, work and play.
Anyone can draw. Sometimes all that is needed is a little inspiration, purpose and encouragement. Local artist group, 5x7 Underground has come up with 14 weeks of Westminster themed drawing prompts that will be posted on 5x7underground.com, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Members of the community are encouraged to draw one or all of the prompts in a travel sized sketchbook using any desired style or media and share their work on social media using the #drawwestminster5x7 hashtag.
Seven (one for each day of the week) drawing prompts will be posted on the 5x7underground.com website each Saturday from June 5, 2021 (Art in the Park 2021) until September 4, 2021 (Labor Day Weekend). Prompts can be drawn daily or all at once. Participating artists may wish to sketch each prompt separately or combine prompt images together into a collage-like drawing.
To encourage and help facilitate this project, 5x7 Underground wants to provide 100 travel sketchbooks with drawing implements to interested participants free of charge.
Patrons will need to present a printed or digital coupon (available on the 5x7Underground.com website) beginning at 10:00 AM at the 5x7 Underground vendor’s booth at 2021 Carroll County Arts Council Art in the Park in order to receive a free travel sketchbook. One sketchbook and brush pen per person, per coupon, on a first come, first served basis until supplies run out.