"Leave some for me"

Watch the "Leave Some For Me" pitch video then learn more about the project in the artist's own words below:
This project will conduct youth community workshops in my neighborhoods of Queens Village and Hollis. I will work with middle to high school students and use art and activism to draw attention to the ongoing litter problem and illegal dumping happening in our area.
The intended creative output will be community-led digital poster designs depicting the youth's vision of developing their neighborhood. The posters will be printed and placed on the walls near heavily littered streets and with a lot of foot traffic.
This project encourages civic engagement because it shows youths that their voice matters in defining their community's future. It also reminds adults that their actions affect younger generations, and thus, they should strive to think long term when making political or policy decisions that will affect us all for many years to come.
During the workshops, kids will brainstorm solutions to addressing over-consumption, improper disposing of trash, and reflecting on the impact of litter on their well-being and how they and their guardians can make a difference. The creative process will provide writing prompts and artistic guidance to help youth harvest and develop their vision.
"Leave some for me" is expanding my ongoing community cleanup work under "Abuela Neighborhood Maintenance." During the community cleanups, volunteers wear bright orange vests with phrases ironed-on the back that call attention to the cleanup work. I see it as a friendly way to encourage on-lookers to take action and motivate them to join in and keep our neighborhoods clean. The combination of image, text, and community feedback is a powerful weapon to propel and inspire change.