Emergency Outdoor Bike Workshops

Time's Up! environmental group is a 30 year old environmental organization with a focus on direct action to promote sustainable urban change through cycling, community gardening, and eco infrastructures.
As the toll of COVID-19 continues to take effect on our urban center, many people are turning to bicycling as an alternative to public transportation and cars. While bicycling is an ecological alternative to both cars, trains, and buses, it also provides a mode of transportation that significantly reduces the risk of transmission of the novel corona virus. Those who have turned to biking as a primary mode of transportation have also opened up the subway to those essential workers who may have no other choice but to use public transportation.
Our Emergency Outdoor Bike Workshops aim to respond to this increase in cycling by providing technical and mechanical support for bicyclists of all levels. Time's Up! has over 30 years of providing public programming and bike workshops that not only help people to conduct general tune-ups and fix immediate bicycle issues, but also teaches participants how to do it themselves. Our workshop leaders provide the expertise and tools necessary to conduct any repairs or modifications. These workshops would provide support to cyclists of all levels and make biking safer across the City in this delicate period.
Our workshops will conform to the City of New York's COVID-19 guidelines; we take these guidelines very seriously and our workshop leaders would take the necessary precautions to sanitize supplies, tools, and other commonly touched services. Our workshops will be limited to 8 participants and 1 Time's Up workshop leader. Furthermore our workshops will take place in the large lawn of La Plaza Cultural Community Garden on 9th St and Ave C, which is well-lit and well-ventilated, providing a safer and secure place to hold these workshops. This garden also has running water and soap to provide hand-washing and miscellaneous cleaning.