Humanise Community Film Club: Kids Edition

We want to run a kids version of our successful Humanise Community Film Club during the easter holiday. We have a group of committed, excited, young people who are into film and talking about what it means to be human. We want to hand over the reins of our project and allow them to program a public screening in April. We run a dinner event during which they will plan the next session plus a public screening which they will introduce their film choice to the public. We at One September Art will support the project along with our regular volunteers.
The group includes three families who are currently engaged in a short program building an urban garden here at Metal. The group have expressed an interest in programming films and as yet we haven't been able to support them with that. Now we have a period of engagement with them until the end of March we have time to prepare them to become programmers in their own right.
We want to encourage more people from the local area to participate in the project which is growing month by month. This family focused program will be part of that development and we will be doing outreach to the local area in the month before.