Social Posters

Our society today is surrounded by many social, cultural and political issues. Regardless of the root causes, be it flawed policies, negligence, or the society’s cultural and economic trends, an artist’s social responsibility is to reflect the issues and encourage the society to face its challenges to the best of his or her ability. Art is an essential medium in this regard; and although art is not supposed to change the world, it can catch eyes and profoundly influence and inspire the members of society.
For its informative nature, graphic design is perhaps one of the top art forms for directly communicating to both general and special audiences. In particular, poster art is a great tool for effective communication for its many desirable characteristics.
My experiences, passion and many of the awards I have received have evolved around designing posters with social and political themes. As such, socio-political issues have been central focal points during much of over twenty years of my professional career as an artist, designer, and teacher, and I intend to design posters on diverse topics such as immigration, food and health and race.
The outcome of my work will be disseminated in the form of posters and will be widely circulated and distributed throughout the citie Philadelphia.