Reaching for Gold

The Goannas are Australia's men's Deaf Basketball team who are aiming for Gold at this years Asia Pacific Deaf Games in Hong Kong this November. All athletes on the team are Deaf or hard of hearing meaning that in competition they have to communicate with each other using Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Now that's pretty awesome.
What sucks is that team do not receive any government or sports association funding. This means that the players themselves have to pay their own way to represent Australia. Now that's a bit unfair!
The team has been selected and consists of Deaf and hard of hearing athletes from all over Australia who love the game of basketball. Being Deaf or hard of hearing is big barrier in society as it can be a hardship as they experience higher levels of social isolation due to being Deaf and hard of hearing. We help them experience higher levels of confidence through the game of basketball by giving them the opportunity to Deaf basketball on the world stage.
Having this opportunity however is not free as there are costs involved, however the friendships that the team-mates form from being involved in the national program last forever. That's awesome.